Friday, January 9, 2009

Can you feel my pain?!

My son is nearly 14.
He is almost 6 inches taller than me! Of course as my dear little brother reminded me this morning, "That's not hard to do!"
Later this month, I will turn 35.
The tattoo that I got when I started college is now more than 16 years old!

I realize that I am not really "old" by any one's standards and I certainly don't feel old. (at least not all the time) But I only just stopped having those nightmares about showing up at school with no clothes on or completely forgetting to do an assignment. Now I'm so tired by the time I manage to quiet the millions of "to do" lists in my mind when I hit the pillow that I don't even think I do dream anymore! I put off finishing college again for another semester which is no big deal until I consider that I have now put off finishing college for 30 semesters!!! By the time I'm a teacher, they'll be calling me "Old Lady Syverson". My Classic American Lit syllabus will include the Harry Potter Series! I guess I'm okay with my age. Its just the years in between then and now that have me bewildered.

But my God is good to me. I'm sure he's getting a good chuckle out of my ranting at the moment cause in his mind I'm a mere babe, but he has given me good things in this life. I made a commitment to read through the bible this year and I cannot believe how the enemy has started trying to worm his way in to block me from my reading time. Granted it doesn't help that I started right at Genesis 1:1 and, lets face it, that isn't the MOST exciting reading for the first few chapters. Pray for me friends that I stop dozing off during my bible time! I am doing my best to rejoice in the greatness of God's creation!
So yeah that was my actual point here: I'm reading through the bible this year. Care to join me?


Dawn said...

I am going to try reading through again, a chapter a day, of if they are short, a few chapters at a time. Not sure if I will be done in a year, but I am shooting for it. Did this once before, but I am finding I get more out of it each time. I am going chronologically.. what is your plan?

Mel said...

I'm going front to back.

Five Star Life said...

Dave went back in 2001 after 8years and finished in 5 semester. He did 78 credit and 2 interships. With three little kids. If it is God's will it will be done. Actually you can get better grants if you go when your kids do!!

Kimberly said...

Your post made me laugh. I can't believe that boy is almost 14. I told Ethan that the other day and he swore he was about to turn 13! Guess time flies for all of us.